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Understanding Online Casino Bonuses

 If there's one thing that confuses more new online casino players than anything else, it's the bonuses. You might think that they are simple – after all, don't you just deposit your money, and the bonus money is placed straight into your account? Well, yes, but there are various terms and conditions to understand, and these can affect how good a bonus actually is. Online Casino Bonuses To start off with, let us look at the types of bonuses available and why you should take advantage of them when building your bankroll. This list was created by griresearchboard.org and allow you to know much more:  Welcome bonuses - bonuses awarded for first time users at an online casino, welcome bonuses are often the biggest rewards and can be claimed just by signing up in most cases  Deposit bonuses - includes bonuses you get by using site-preferred banking methods or simply bonuses for making deposits over a certain amount eg. extra credit for deposits over £5,000  Reload bonuses - bon